Rotating Men's Shelter
“The broadest, and maybe the most meaningful definition of volunteering: Doing more than you have to because you want to, in a cause you consider good. ”
– Ivan Scheier
First Reformed Church participates in a rotating Men's Shelter in the winter months to serve our community in need.
This year, FRC will be hosting
the following week:
Sunday January 26 - Saturday February 8, 2025
All shelter shifts will be taking place at the Emmanuel Lutheran Church
3 Kirkpatrick Street, New Brunswick, NJ 08901
We are need in of over-night volunteers to help run this program smoothly, and that is where YOU come in! Please use the form below to let us know what nights you are available.

All shelter shifts will be taking place at the Emmanuel Lutheran Church 3 Kirkpatrick Street, New Brunswick, NJ 08901
What does a typical volunteer shift look like?
Volunteers are asked to arrive by 6:30. Set-up is very light but includes making sure the heat, lights, snacks, and general room is ready. Doors open to the shelter guests at 7:00pm. A meal will typically be available for the guests to serve themselves. After dinner volunteers will do some light clean up of the kitchen. Lights out and doors locked at 10pm to allow for a quiet environment for guests to rest. Volunteers can remain awake or will be given access to a place to rest but are there to monitor the space. A typical night allows for volunteers to read, rest, or get their own work done. Lights go on at 6:00am and volunteers put out a simple continental breakfast. Shelter guests must leave by 7:00am and once doors are closed and locked volunteers may leave.
¿Cómo luce un turno típico para los voluntarios?
Se solicita a los voluntarios que lleguen a las 6:30 p.m. La preparación es bastante ligera pero incluye asegurarse que la calefacción, las luces, las meriendas y el salón general estén listos. Las puertas se abren a las 7:00 p.m. para los clientes del refugio. Las luces se apagan y las puertas se cierran a las 10:00 p.m. con el fin de facilitar un ambiente tranquilo para que los clientes descansen. A los voluntarios se les pide que se mantengan despiertos durante su turno para supervisar el espacio, pero una típica noche posibilita que los voluntarios lean o realicen su propio trabajo. Las luces se encienden a las 6:00 a.m. y los voluntarios preparan un desayuno continental sencillo. Los clientes del refugio deben salir a las 7:00 a.m., y una vez se cierren y traben las puertas, los voluntarios pueden marcharse.
Do I need to bring anything?
You are not required to bring anything other than your own reading, knitting, or other work. Wi-fi Internet, water, and coffee will be provided.
¿Necesito llevar algo?
No es necesario traer algo, fuera de su propio material de lectura, tejido, o cualquier otro trabajo. Se proveerá acceso a Internet Wi-fi, agua y café.
What are the qualifications to volunteer?
All volunteers must be over the age of 18 and physically able to be present and awake during the volunteer shift.
¿Cuáles son los requisitos para ser voluntario?
Todos los voluntarios deben ser mayores de 18 años y estar físicamente aptos para estar presentes y despiertos durante el turno de voluntariado.
Who are the guests of the rotating men’s shelter?
The guests in the shelter are coordinated through multiple sources including the city and county service providers. Most guests are working individuals who need a safe quiet place to spend the night during the winter months. The guests are vetted and only guests on the approved list provided by the county are permitted on premises for the safety of both the other guests and the volunteers.
Quiénes son los clientes del refugio rotativo para hombres?
Los clientes del refugio son coordinados a través de múltiples fuentes, incluyendo proveedores de servicios de la ciudad y del condado. La mayoría de los clientes son individuos que trabajan y que necesitan un espacio seguro y tranquilo donde pasar la noche durante los meses de invierno.
If I want to volunteer but can’t do this location, are there other locations?
This service is provided by multiple faith based organizations in New Brunswick throughout the winter. If you cannot volunteer during the weeks listed above you can reach out to any of the following for additional volunteer opportunities:
Sí quiero ser voluntario pero no puedo hacerlo en esta localidad, ¿hay otras localidades?
Este servicio es provisto por múltiples organizaciones basadas en la fe, en New Brunswick, durante todo el invierno. Si no puede ser voluntario durante las semanas mencionadas anteriormente, puede contactar a cualquiera de las siguientes organizaciones para acceder a oportunidades adicionales de voluntariado.
I can’t volunteer but would like to donate.
You can make a donation directly to FRC with the note “Rotating Men’s Shelter.” Funds are used to provide light refreshments and cleaning supplies.
No puedo ser voluntario, pero me gustaría donar.
Puede hacer una donación directamente a FRC con la nota "Rotating Men's Shelter / Refugio Rotativo para Hombres". Los fondos serán utilizados para proveer meriendas y productos de limpieza.
Regístrese para obtener un turno de voluntariado en la página web AQUÍ: https://www.firstreformedchurch.net/contact-4